How did I begin as an artist?
Kindergarten. I had a loaded brush, bib, and smile ear to ear from the praise of my teacher. At 10 years old standing two feet away from the big Larry Poons dot painting at MoMA, New York, my mother quiet to my right and a gentleman standing to my left, I heard him softly say, “I don’t really think this is art”. I glanced at him as I felt a slow-running wave of shock move from my feet up to my head. How could anyone say something so illogical? I had no idea one could look at a museum piece and say it wasn’t art. That day, as I experienced the rest of our MOMA visit, blue dots still swimming in front of my eyes, I realized, I was sort of like Larry Poons, art didn’t have to be a particular thing or a particular way. It just was. That was the day I gave myself permission to be an artist in a way that felt right for me.
I love abstraction, color, leaf metallics, and mosaics. These magical effects that the materials bring, create an ever-changing process and for me, they express the theme that solid matter is always energy in motion. In life, everything is energy in motion!